Thursday, March 13, 2008

Want to Get More Plays On Your Music Site To Get Noticed By Record labels?

Want to get more plays on your songs and rise to the top of the charts? Want to get your music heard by important record label executives and hundreds or possibly millions of people all over the world? In order to increase MySpace plays on your songs, you have to run a consistent promotional campaign.

To be successful, you'll have to maintain consistency to be sure your music gets attention, stands out, gets you the maximum number of listens, and reaches the most people in your MySpace fan base. Most importantly, you have to make sure that anyone who comes to your MySpace music page is listening to your music and telling their friends to come to your page to listen to your music. This shows those big music executives that your music is worth listening to, and that millions of people everywhere are doing just that -- listening to it.

To keep new fans coming in on a regular basis, you'll need to make sure that you are uploading different songs regularly. Keep updating your blog with stories about your music and funny or outrageous adventures, and keep rotating the profile picture on your MySpace music site. It's something different that is going to get your page noticed over the rest of the musicians out there. Something new will have your fans returning to your page to read your band updates, look at your recently updated pictures, and tell their friends about your most recent awards, tour dates, or concert venues. Don't be afraid to promote, promote, promote yourself to radio stations, news stations, and other media outlets like magazines or morning shows to get your sound heard. Let them know about how many plays and Views you are getting.

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